charlie s delightful machine maths

Charlie's Delightful Machine wild.maths

20231027  Charlie's Delightful Machine has four coloured lights on it. You can enter numbers into Charlie's machine. Each light is controlled by a rule, and if your number

Codes and Inverses NRICH

Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you develop a strategy to work out the rules controlling each light? A

Now Teach Low Threshold, High Ceiling Tasks NRICH

Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level. Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you develop a strategy to work out the rules controlling each light?

From Introduction to Deeper Understanding nrich.maths

Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level. Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you develop a strategy to work out the rules controlling each light?

A Little Light Thinking enrich.maths

The solutions shown here do not include much information about how to find the rules which control each light. To see solutions on how to find the rules, have a look at Charlie's

NRICH topics: Properties of numbers Factors and multiples maths

Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level. Primary Curriculum Linked. Secondary Curriculum Linked. Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you

Secondary Games and Puzzles for Summer 2021 NRICH

Each weekday from 19 July to 31 August, a new game or puzzle will appear on this page. After you've had a go at the day's challenge you may be able to compare your approach to the solutions we have published, which are based on students' work. You can also find Primary Games and Puzzles for Summer 2021.

Nrich Algebra Tasks IB Maths Resources from

NRICH is one of the best maths sites out there but I always find it a bit tricky to find past tasks, and to remember which ones I have done before. Charlie’s Delightful Machine. 1 Step 2 Step. A Little Light Thinking. Summing Consecutive Numbers. Frogs. Seven Squares. Tower of Hanoi.

A Little Light Thinking NRICH

A Little Light Thinking printable worksheet. Can you figure out a method to make all four lights on the machine below switch on at once? This problem follows on from Charlie's Delightful Machine, where you are invited to find efficient strategies for working out the rules controlling each light. The rules for turning on the Level 1 lights are all given by linear

Cracking Codes NRICH

Cracking Codes. When a secret agent wants to send a message, they write it in code so their enemies can't read it. Codebreakers need to develop mathematical skills like working backwards, being systematic, and ruling out possibilities in order to crack enemy codes and save the day. These problems will give you the chance to train your brain in

Remainders wild.maths

20231024  Charlie's Delightful Machine. Take 3 from 5. In the video, Caroline and James pick sets of five numbers. Charlie chooses three of them that add together to make a multiple of three. Can you figure out a way they could stop him? Remainders; Number Bases ©University of Cambridge Terms and Conditions Cookie Policy wild@maths.

Interactive Games and Puzzles (14-16) NRICH

The activities below all include an online interactivity where you can test your ideas and make discoveries. The stars represent the challenge level, with three stars indicating the most challenging activities. You may also wish to explore Interactive Games and Puzzles for 11-14 year olds, and Videos and Interactive Problems for 16-18 year olds.

Charlie's Delightful Machine NRICH

Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level You could start by exploring Shifting Times Tables to get a feel for the sequences that turn on the lights.

Charlie's Delightful Machine NRICH

Charlie's Delightful Machine has four coloured lights. Each light is controlled by a rule. If you choose a number that satisfies the rule, the light will go on. Some numbers may turn on more than one light! Start by exploring Level 1. Type in some numbers and see which lights you can switch on.

From Introduction to Deeper Understanding NRICH

From Introduction to Deeper Understanding. These tasks all encourage you to explore and describe number patterns, and in particular to use what you know about factors and multiples. They would be best done in the order below as you will find that the later tasks build on ideas from the earlier ones. As a set, these activities will give you

Charlie's Delightful Machine NRICH

Begin the lesson by dividing the board into two columns, one headed with a tick and the other headed with a cross. Ask students to suggest numbers, and write each suggestion in the appropriate column according to a rule of your own choice. Here are some suggestions for rules: Odd numbers. Numbers which are 1 more than multiples of 4.

Being Resilient Algebra NRICH

What size rectangle(s) contain(s) exactly 100 squares? Can you find them all? Elevenses Age 11 to 14 Challenge Level. Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you make two lights switch on at once? Three lights? All four lights? Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level. Here is a machine with four coloured

Thinking mathematically Exploring patterns and noticing

Resources tagged with: Exploring patterns and noticing structures. Age range: Challenge level: There are 83 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Exploring patterns and noticing structures, you may find related items under Thinking mathematically. Broad Topics > Thinking mathematically > Exploring patterns and noticing structures.

Posing Questions and Making Conjectures NRICH

Where Can We Visit? Age 11 to 14. Challenge Level. Charlie and Abi put a counter on 42. They wondered if they could visit all the other numbers on their 1-100 board, moving the counter using just these two operations: x2 and -5. What do you think?

NRICH topics: Patterns, sequences and structure Arithmetic sequences

Resources tagged with: Arithmetic sequences. Age range: Challenge level: There are 49 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Arithmetic sequences, you may find related items under Patterns, sequences and structure. Broad Topics > Patterns, sequences and structure > Arithmetic sequences.

Patterns and Sequences Stage 3 STEM STEM Learning

20231028  Charlie’s Delightful Machine Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you develop a strategy to work out the rules controlling each light? Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Nuffield Foundation. Number and Algebra 2 (pdf page 118) gives an example of a strategy for solving a problem involving a sequence. This is

Codes and Inverses NRICH

This article for Primary and Secondary teachers is all about the mathematics behind solving puzzles, unravelling mysteries and breaking codes. Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level. Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you develop a strategy to work out the rules controlling each light?

Mixed Attainment Maths Conference January 2019 NRICH

Mixed Attainment Maths Conference January 2019. When NRICH started out, the resources were created for, and used mainly by, the highest achieving students. Twenty five years on, our site has grown and changed, and our target audience is now teachers and students working at all levels. And yet we are still working to shake off the commonly

Patterns and Sequences: Age 11-14 NRICH

Dave Hewitt suggests that there might be more to mathematics than looking at numerical results, finding patterns and generalising. Charlie's Delightful Machine Age 11 to 16 Challenge Level. Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you develop a strategy to work out the rules controlling each light? Seven Squares Age 11 to 14

NRICH topics: Patterns, sequences and structure Arithmetic sequences

Resources tagged with: Arithmetic sequences. Age range: Challenge level: There are 49 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Arithmetic sequences, you may find related items under Patterns, sequences and structure. Broad Topics > Patterns, sequences and structure > Arithmetic sequences.


20151019  cdm. Charlie's Delightful Machine. Enter some whole numbers in the box and so discover the rules which switch on each of the lights. Pressing a level button generates a new rule.

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